I've been looking into the prospect of earning money online lately. Actually, I started today. I've been looking into it before.. but it just made me feel confused, considering most things apperead to be just another scam. So I don't really know how motivated I am right now.
I also checked out myLot and it seems okay. I don't believe it'll bring me any big bucks, but far from that it actually has some decent
discussions going on. And considering you get paid for taking part in their discussions, it can't be that bad. All you need is a paypal account, and some incentive.
I'm also checking out Yuwie which seems pretty good, so check it out as well! It's kind of like myspace and friendster, except you might get paid.
Well that's it so far. I'll see how this myLot thingie works out, and if it doesn't really pay, I did get something out of the discussions there.
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